Ohio Massage therapists must attend massage school, pass an exam and criminal background check to become a licensed massage therapist in OH. They may call themselves “massage therapist,” “licensed massage therapist,” “L.M.T.” or any other letters, words, abbreviations, or insignia, indicating or implying that the person is a licensed massage therapist without a valid license under Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code. They will also display their massage license on the wall or you can look up and verify a massage license online. The State Medical Board of Ohio is responsible for licensing and regulating massage therapists.
There are two types of massage therapists in Ohio, one who is able to practice without a massage license something referred to as relaxation massage and one who offers something referred to as therapeutic massage.
“Relaxation massage” is regulated by local cities and townships as non-therapeutic massage. Each local government that chooses to regulate non-therapeutic massage sets its own licensing requirements. Some cities/townships require formal education, and some do not.
“Relaxation massage” is not a term that is used in Ohio law. It is only described in the FAQ section on the Board website. It is the term that people commonly use to describe non-therapeutic massage. Non-therapeutic massage does not treat any health condition. Examples of health conditions include, but are not limited to: headache, muscle ache, digestive problems, pain of any sort, anxiety, asthma, cancer, cardiovascular issues, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, TMJ Syndrome, scoliosis, central nervous system disorders, diabetes, headaches, kidney function, PMS, or sinusitis.
Therapeutic Massage Therapists are licensed and massage means:
“Massage therapy” means the treatment of disorders of the human body by the manipulation of soft tissue through the systematic external application of massage techniques including touch, stroking, friction, vibration, percussion, kneading, stretching, compression, and joint movements within the normal physiologic range of motion; and adjunctive thereto, the external application of water, heat, cold, topical preparations, and mechanical devices.”
What to look for when you arrive. Massage therapists in OH should have their massage license displayed on their office wall.
What to expect during a massage session
You can expect to be informed about your session and agree to your session plan.
Draping Laws
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The State Medical Board appoints an advisory board consisting of massage therapists, a massage educator, a physician and a consumer not associated with the massage profession to provide input into the board.